Getting started

This page describes how to install bistro, write a small pipeline and execute it.


bistro can be used under Linux and MacOSX (never tried with Windows). It can easily be installed using opam, the OCaml package manager. You can install opam following these instructions. Typically, under Debian/Ubuntu just

$ apt update && apt install opam

(as root or using sudo). Once this is done, initialize a fresh opam repository and install bistro:

$ opam init --comp=4.07.1

Take good care to follow the instructions given by opam after this command ends. Typically you will need to add this line:

$ . ${HOME}/.opam/opam-init/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || true

to your .bashrc and execute

$ eval `opam config env`

for OPAM to be configured in your current console.

Now you’re ready to install bistro, and utop which is a nice interactive interpreter for OCaml:

$ opam install bistro utop

If you’re new to OCaml, you might want to install ocaml-top, which is a simple editor supporting syntax highlighting, automatic indentation and incremental compilation for OCaml:

$ opam install ocaml-top

You can also find similar support for other general-purpose editors like emacs, vi or atom.

A simple example

Using your favorite editor, create a file named and paste the following program:

#require "bistro.bioinfo bistro.utils"

open Bistro
open Bistro_bioinfo
open Bistro_utils

let sample = Sra.fetch_srr "SRR217304"           (* Fetch a sample from the SRA database *)
let sample_fq = Sra_toolkit.fastq_dump sample    (* Convert it to FASTQ format *)
let genome = Ucsc_gb.genome_sequence `sacCer2    (* Fetch a reference genome *)
let bowtie2_index = Bowtie2.bowtie2_build genome (* Build a Bowtie2 index from it *)
let sample_sam =                                 (* Map the reads on the reference genome *)
  Bowtie2.bowtie2 bowtie2_index (`single_end [ sample_fq ])
let sample_peaks =                               (* Call peaks on mapped reads *)
  Macs2.(callpeak sam [ sample_sam ])

let repo = Repo.[
  [ "peaks" ] %> sample_peaks

(** Actually run the pipeline *)
let () = Repo.build_main ~outdir:"res" ~np:2 ~mem:(`GB 4) repo

Running a pipeline

A typical bioinformatics workflow will use various tools that should be installed on the system. Maintaining installations of many tools on a single system is particularly time-consuming and might become extremely tricky (e.g. to have several versions of the same tool, or tools that have incompatible dependencies on very basic pieces of the system, like the C compiler). To avoid this problem, bistro can use so-called containers like Docker or Singularity <> to run each tool of the workflow in an isolated environment containing a proper installation of the tool. In practice, you don’t have to install anything: for each step of a workflow bistro will invoke a container specifying which environment it needs. This is a tremendous time-saver in practice to deploy a pipeline on a new machine.

To get there you have to install docker or singularity. Follow instructions on this page for docker̀` and `this one <>`__ for ``singularity. Summarized instructions are also available there for docker̀`. Note that ``bistro can be used without containers, but in that case, you must make each program used in the pipeline available on your system.

Assuming docker is installed on your machine, you can simply run your pipeline by:

$ utop

At the end you should obtain a res directory where you will find the output files of the pipeline.

In the remainder of this section we’ll look at the code in more details, but first we’ll need to learn a bit of the OCaml language.